Design And Develop Assessment Tools Sydney
Design and Develop Assessment Tools
Important note for TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment holders - Please note that from 1st of July 2019, you must have TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools (or its successor), TAEASS502A or TAEASS502B and TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills or (its successor) or TAELLN401A if you wish to continue to use your TAE40110 qualification for delivering training and assessment services. Please note that if you have a diploma or higher level qualification in adult education, you may not need to complete this course; however it is imperative that you consult with your employer to understand their requirement. Please copy and paste the following ASQA link on to your browser for further information:
Before you enrol into this course, please see if you already hold TAEASS502A or TAEASS502B and if yes, you don't need to do TAEASS502. If you identify that after enrolment, you may not receive a refund. You may, however, choose to apply for a credit transfer to TAEASS502 if you can demonstrate currency in desigining and developing assessment tools as the current TAEASS502 is equivalent to the previous version. Please download the Flowchart of eligibility for TAE40110 update available at the bottom of this page to further help you with making the right decision.
Designed for experienced practitioners responsible for the development and/or delivery of training and assessment products and services, the TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools unit describes the skills and knowledge required to design and to develop assessment tools used to guide the collection of quality evidence, including their application in formative, summative and recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment.
Learning outcomes
Students should achieve the following learning outcomes on successful completion of the course
- Determining the focus of the assessment tool
- Design the assessment tool
- Develop the assessment tool
- Review and trial the assessment tool
Learning strategies
Due to Coronavirus situation, as of 1st of April 2020 this course will be delivered in a virtual classroom environment via video conferencing led by a qualified and industry experienced trainer. Learning methods will include face to face lecture via video conference, case studies, demonstrations, questions and answers. 10 – 15 hours per week of practice and practical study is expected. We will supply Australian core skills framework booklets and a USB with training and assessment materials.
Assessment strategies
Assessments will be conducted in both summative and formative manner, consisting of short answer questions, research, and workplace-based projects. In case, learners are unable to find a real life workplace for their project, a simulation may be arranged in the classroom. The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria of this unit including developing at least three assessment tools that support different assessment methods, and address at least one unit of competency each.
What do the assessments involve?
Assessments for this unit largely include developing at least three assessment tools supporting different assessment methods and addressing at least one unit of competency each. Please note that the units must be from a Nationally Recognised Training Package. You must include in each of these assessments the instruments for collecting the evidence, reflecting the rules of evidence and principles of assessments with related instructions to the candidates and assessor/s and show how you will address the contextual needs of different environments. One of these assessments have to be on recognition of prior learning (RPL). You will start working on your first assessment on the first day (i.e. the first week). The trainer/assessor will give you a questionnaire to complete at home. You will need to conduct a research at home to answer these questions and bring them on the second day when you will complete the second assessment tool. You will complete the third assessment tool after the class and send it back to the trainer within 4 weeks from the last session. You will also complete some in class activities to demonstrate your knowledge about designing, developing and reviewing the assessment tools including workplace health and safety (WHS) responsibilities.
Please note assessments for this course involve significant work both during and after the sessions. You will have maximum of two attempts to submit your assessments. If you are considered Not Yet Competent after the second submission with significant gaps prevailing in your submissions, you may be asked to re-enroll into the course.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Parramatta College recognises that some learners may have already delivered training as part of their job or as a trainer. If you believe you can provide sufficient evidence (according to the rules of evidence – see Standard 1.8 – 1.12 under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015) of your current experience and/or relevant qualifications that match the competency requirements of any of the units in this course, please consult with the Education Manager prior to enrolling to apply for recognition. The RPL application will be reviewed by a qualified trainer/assessor. Please note that applying for RPL may nor automatically result in issuing of the qualification or statement of attainment. No refund will be made In case of a partial qualification or if no certificate can be issued as a result of the RPL assessment.
Pre-requisite for this course
Whilst there are no prerequisites for this course, it is expected that you have strong language, literacy and numeracy skills and computer skills (e.g. opening and shutting down a computer, create documents using MS Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint, use internet including search engines, print and share documents via email) to be able to design and develop Assessment tools. Please note that, you will receive learner resources in electronic format and electronic submission is also required. It is assumed that you already have some training delivery and assessment experience in the context of RTOs. Having such experience means you are already familiar with Australian vocational education and training system, the training packages used as industry standards and the legislative requirements for the delivery of accredited or competency based training in Australia. This course is delivered as part of the upgrade program for those who wish to continue to use their TAE40110 qualification. For those who don't have any TAE qualification, we strongly suggest you to enrol into the full TAE40116 qualification.
If the course is scheduled to be delivered on Zoom video conferencing system, you will need to have a good understanding of participating in classes on Zoom. Please contact the college on 02 96872072 or email to for a step-by-step guide for joining Zoom classes.
Is this course for me?
You may be thinkging why you should do this course as you may not be even teaching training package qualifications or skill sets. As a general rule, you don't have to have a TAE qualification if you are delivering only non-accredited components and you are not involved in assessing competency. However, some employers such as TAFE still wants their trainers to have the TAE qualification including TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools. If so, please consult with your employer to understand their requiremens before you enrol.
Need more information
Should you require further information, please ring our friendly enrolment officer on 02 96872072 or send an email to
For more information re the relevant standards, please visit
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40116.
- Design and develop assessment tools (TAEASS502)
$350 Limited GST free
Design and Develop Assessment Tools
$350 Limited GST free
Design and Develop Assessment Tools
$350 Limited GST free
Design and Develop Assessment Tools
If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.
Course testimonials:
- Our trainer Syed is amazing. Very professional and patient. The course was very interesting and very well organized. I will definitely be doing more PDs with you guys and will recommend the school to all my friends and colleagues.
Additional information
- Flowchart of eligibility for TAE40110 update 118 kB pdf
Design And Develop Assessment Tools Sydney
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